Focus Areas

We are open to collaborating on a variety of focus areas which require a good understanding of psychosocial factors. We are interested in any area of impact involving behavioural changes, attitude changes, building sensitivity and awareness, understanding the needs of a specific group of people, evaluation of impact and research and training.

Major areas of our interest and impact are

  • 1.) Community Mental Health
  • 2.) Capacity building for psychological mindedness for specific problem areas for professionals working in the field
  • 3.) Community and organisational dynamics - building enabling and empowering relationships
  • 4.) Community based research, developing methodology to study the social dynamics and the social unconscious in a variety of problem areas
  • 5.) Designing psychologically informed implementation programs
  • 6.) Building resource base and literature

Since our work is applicable in a variety of areas we are looking to innovate and widen our scope to areas impacting education, health, gender, human rights, marginalisation, social trauma and disaster etc.